What is POTUS

When Penny Met POTUSWhen Penny Met POTUS by Rachel Ruiz
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh, this was fun. I was going to sit down and write reviews of a whole bunch of pictures books I read today, but I had to stop right here, after reading this one, and write about how much I enjoyed it.

The story is about a little girl who gets to go to work with her mother who works for POTUS. The little girl doesn’t know what that means. She thinks with a name like that, it must be a monster or an alien, and she really wants to meet it. [POTUS is a nickname for the President Of The United States.]

Her mother takes her to work, and she sneaks out in search of her monster POTUS. She asks people if they have see this POTUS, and they all say, not right that minute, but they saw POTUS earlier.

Finally, she runs into a woman feeding the fish, and she turns out to be the POTUS. Penny is so disappointed because she is human. But then the POTUS shares ice cream with her, and that makes her being human ok.

Just look at that delightful POTUS:

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I loved that this book is on such an in the moment level, and so told from Penny’s point of view. She has a delightful imagination. I love that the president is a woman, and Penny is not surprised that she is, but that she is human. And I loved that her mother was able to take her to work with her.

So, I think this picture book would appeal to kids reading it or just looking at the pictures, as well as parents or guardians reading it.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.

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