Red Sky at night, Sailors Delight

Red Sky at NightRed Sky at Night by Elly MacKay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

How many sayings do you know about the weather? The only ones I knew, in this book were:

Red Sky at Morning,
Sailers take warning
Red Sky at Night
Sailers delight.

And although I did not know this saying

If seabirds fly to land
There truly is a storm at hand

I was aware of this weather phenomenon, and have mentioned it many times in the past.

The illustrations are paper craft, and gorgeous, and each of the sayings, are explained at the end of the book, where it explains what each saying means, and why it works. Beautiful book to look at, and good information for children to have, because, sometimes you don’t have access to the (which isn’t always right for your neighborhood anyway).

Thanks to NetGalley for making this book available for an honest review.

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