Being a crow is beautiful

Lila and the CrowLila and the Crow by Gabrielle Grimard
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

How do you fit in? Do you change? Do you conform? You can’t change your skin. You can’t change your eyes. You can’t change your body.

In this sweet little story of Lila, the new girl, she is teased because she has hair, eyes and skin like a crow, or so the children say. She wants so to fit in, she keeps hiding the things she is teased about, until you can’t see her at all, under all her clothes.

Then, in a beautiful moment, the crows show her how being a crow is beautiful, their feathers are not solid black, but bits of purple, and they shine and are soft. A rain of feathers falls on her, and she makes her Halloween costume and embraces her crow self.

Wonderful tale of how you don’t have to change.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.

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