Bats of fun

MegabatMegabat by Anna Humphrey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A talking fruit bat who like Star Wars. A talking fruit bat who is far from home. A talking fruit bat who is best friends with a lonely boy, the girl next door, and birdgirl, the local pigeon.

All this makes for a fun, silly book about loneliness, and making friends, with bats and people.

Daniel has had to move to a new house from Toronto.

Megabat has accidentally moved to the new house too, by way of Borneo.

With the help of Talia and Birdgirl, Megabat and Jamie find what is important in friendship.

It is silly. It is fun. It is just right for early readers.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.

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