Historical Canada

Canada Year by YearCanada Year by Year by Elizabeth MacLeod
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Quick, if you are not Canadian, how much Canadian history can you tell me? And you can’t go look up old Kate Beaton’s Hark, A Vigilant cartoons either.

As an American, other than what I have learned from reading Kate Beaton, and reading on my own, I found that I really didn’t have much Canadian history under my belt. And did all you non-Canadian’s know that next year will be the 150th anniversary of their founding?

This is a very assessable little volume. It is not overly preachy, nor does it talk down to you. The author has picked one event per year to highlight, including nobel prize winners, olympic champions, and inventions. Nor does it shy away from issues such as the treatment of the First Nation people. The founding of the Indian act is mentioned, as well as the Residential schools apology. We learn who the first provinces who made up Canada were, as well as that Nunavut is the most recent province formed.

Highly recommended for just about everyone. Written at a middle-school to high school level, with great illustrations.

Thanks to Netgalley and Kids Can Press for making this book available for an honest review.

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